Monday, November 14, 2011

The things my dad told me would come in handy.

     I thought about this they other day.  I was leaving the house, and I locked both the dead bolt and the door lock.  As I did so Wendy asked, why do you lock both locks?  You just need to lock one.  I told her it was a habit.  It is an extra 30 seconds of planning you can have when some one is picking the lock to get in.  She gave me an odd look.
     That is what my dad told me when I was younger, he said remember if you lock both locks it takes roughly 30 seconds to pick a lock, and with both locked that is a full minute you have plan what you need to do.  I am pretty sure my dad was fairly paranoid, or highly enlightened as to what kind of evil was out in the world and he wanted us to have preparation.  It is because of him that I don't take the exact same way to and from work all the time.  I have about 5 or so ways to and from work and I randomly take them.  I think it had something to do with what dad did in the military.  Maybe I've been watching to many spy films or something.  He told me never put my back to door when  I am out eating.  He told me too always carry a lighter, even though I don't smoke.  I have kind of fell lacks on that one, I currently don't have a lighter with me.  
     These kind of things make me think that I'd could hope to have a little bit of an extra edge if something should happen, rather than a person who never had the benefit of that added wisdom.  I know I am not going to react like someone who has actually had military training.  It is just a little something extra that might help should something like bad happen.  
    I suppose here I would make a reference to how this relates to Han Solo but right now I am just going to say, I am grateful for everything my dad told me, and he's still with me whenever I remember the things he taught me. A little sappy I know but, hey not everyone can be a emotionless bad ass all the time.  You like me because I'm a scoundrel. 

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