So I had to take my car in to a mechanic today, because I couldn't get the warning break light to switch off. I tried the few things I knew it could be but without any luck. I know there are going to come back at me with the whole, Oh this is broken and this is broken and this is broken it will be $2000 to fix it all to get your break light warning light fixed. I hope they can set me up a payment plan because I can't pay that up front. I just need the light to be out to pass inspection. So why can't they just do that. A few of my friends suggested just pulling the bulb or the fuse for the warning lights. I'd rather fix the problem then cover it up. With my luck that little cover up will just cause me a shit ton of problems later down the road I know it. I will just get the thing fixed and be done with it.
Han brought his ship in to be fixed by his old friend. And they fixed it, but his friend also just up and turned him into the authorities as well. He says it was under duress but I am not sure how hard it was Vader to convince Lando to turn on the guy that won his ship from him. The only consolation to that is Lando nearly gets his ass captured because of the sabotage that empire pulled on the Falcon. Just goes to show tricking your friends always comes back to get you.
Being a pessimist I will have to say that I expect a horrible diagnosis from the mechanic and that it will cost me an arm and a leg. Which works out for me, because I am either proven right by the negative out come, or pleasantly suprised that it wasn't as bad as I expected. That's how I look at life and there is no changing me. I never expect the best from anything, it helps me not get my hopes up. Getting excited about something is just going make you feel disappointed when it isn't as much as you had hoped it would be. Look at Episode I, everyone was hyping the crap out of the film. And people saw it and were sickened with what had been done with the film. I for one was not super excited for the film, yes I wanted to see it, but unlike all the rest of the over zealous fans out there. I waited until the weekend to go and see the film. I didn't care about being the first person in line. Trying to keep my lows from dipping too low and my highs to stay a little more than pleased is tough, but manageable. I'm such a cheery person to be around. You like me because I'm a scoundrel.
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