Last night I decided to watch a few Horror movies, I like to do it by myself, because for some reason I find that watching them with other people is uncomfortable. Mainly because of my reactions to them, as Wendy stated, "Ian funny." If you were to hear me watching a horror movie, you may mistake me as watching a comedy. Since about the age of say 15 or 16 I rarely get scared at the films, I end up laughing most of the time. I don't know why, but I've found horror flicks to be more laughable than scary. Might it be that I able to separate that fact that this is make believe, and not reality. I think it might be that my commons stress reaction is to laugh or make a joke, and I am actually scared but I start to laugh instead. I have felt scared a number of times, were my adrenaline is racing and I feel the flight or fight response pull at me, but those have been situations where I was not watching a film I was experiencing real life. Each time I felt that, I knew I was going to fight. The moment passed however, and nothing came of it. I was expecting the worst and nothing happened.
I remember being very young, and being scared of Gremlins. I must have been around 4 or 5, they scared be because of their toothy appearance, and how in the film they seemed to be hiding everywhere. As I got older I realized they were just puppets and nothing to be scared of. Mostly because of the words of my father. "That's not real, if you need to be scared of anything be scared of me, because I'm real and I'll beat your ass if you don't go to sleep." My father was a loving and caring person. He cut right through the bullshit and gave me the logical reasoning that made me realize, he was correct. Since than I've not been scared at films. That by no means I don't have a "Jump" response. I'm not a master of my autonomic nerves so when you make me jump it is a reaction that I have no control over. Startling me is going to get the same reaction as anyone. Except since I know my fight or flight response is fight, I might punch you.
The two films I watched were V/H/S and Paranormal Activity 3. I had seen, the first two Paranormal Activities, so after watching V/H/S I watched the 3rd one. V/H/S because of the recommendation of my friend Chris. It was actually fairly amusing, instead of being a single film with a tired plot, it was a collection of short films all "found footage" of the events that happen to a group of different random young people. The found footage has become kind of a popular medium for the horror film industry. I suppose it is because it adds a little bit more believe-ability to the concept. I've learned to ignore the shaky cam effects. I spend more time trying to time when the "scares" are going to happen, and I try and look to where the directer is trying not to make you look. Not to avoid the scare, but to see something, I might have missed. I know where the scare is coming from because every horror film forces your perspective. I try to go against the perspective. It is just some thing I've got into a habit of for most of my life. Don't look at the picture in front of you look around or past it.
I suppose that is something that keeps me from being normal. I'm sure it is something that has helped me with the jobs that I go for. I hope it keeps me looking for what isn't there and finding something that may not be normal but is still interesting. Maybe I'm just talking myself up, and I'm just a freak. Who cares, you like me because I'm a scoundrel.
Ian Serna
ReplyDeletePaired with your previous blog, you might want to have that checked out.
Yippy free diagnosis from strangers. I read that whole thing, trouble is I'm not violent at all. And my relationships last quite a long time.