I hate those moments when I feel like writing but there is nothing I can think of to write about. It is like a burp you can feel in your chest but no matter what you do that little annoying pocket of air is stuck right there. You don't want to force it too much because what if you end up bring up more than just the gas? But you want it to go away because it is annoying you, it is not painful but persistent That is what it is like when I suddenly feel the urge to write but don't have anything in particular to write about. Maybe it is these moments that free writing might be it's most productive.
Everyone loves a picture of Cthulhu in a blog. |
Essentially I am doing that now by just writing about having nothing to write about. The problem with this is that what I maybe writing is more than likely not going to entertain the reader much. It is just mindless writing to get words onto a page to satisfy some mental or emotional need to write. I don't know if this effects many people, it doesn't often happen to me but when it dose I find myself scribbling on a paper, or writhing quotes from films, and I open up Word and stare at the empty white page and think, look at all the potential to fill this thing with nonsense. It is what I do most of the time I see any opportunity to inject my thoughts into anything.
People call that trolling, that is the current popular term for it. Gone are the days of calling it, being witty. It had become the art of causing people to become upset at you for what you said, which in turn entertains you and hopefully entertains those around witnessing said trolling. There are some people that take it to the point where it could be called cyber bullying. Which is why being called a troll has such a negative connotation to it. I admit that sometimes the things I say are not nice, but they were not intended to be hurtful, just funny. I tend to use this as a defense mechanism, as well as a way to deal with a stressful situation. Something to break up the tension of a situation. Or distract attention from something. It is a spiral that can land me into trouble some times. The more stressed I am the more sarcastic I tend to become. That is a bad situation when arguing with anyone. Because I get stressed I make a joke, they are angry they don't find it funny the respond poorly or angry to the joke, which leads me to become more stressed so I respond with more jokes. Suddenly I am in lots of trouble when it was really something very small to start off with and I could have avoided the fight by just keeping my mouth shut. Shifting gears at random since I am writing this while I am also working, It has come to my attention, when we think think of accents we think of how accents sound when someone from a different country speaks English. I wish I had the perspective of say a German speaker, that could hear that it was an Irishman speaking German in an Irish accent. The concept of it sounds strange but it is completely possible. Speaking any language you'll speak it in your American accent. A native speaker of that language gets that unique perspective. It is fascinating to me.
I've been told that these wall of text I put up could be less intimidating if I threw a few pictures in to the blog to break up all the text. That way people don't think they are reading as much as they are all at once. The problem with that is finding a picture that is not too distracting to the reader that they stop reading and stare at the picture... Or maybe you're just staring at Rita Hayworth. I know I would be.
Sure she's distracting. I should probably find a different picture to put up. It is however interesting enough to make people actually stop to read a little. Maybe I'll talk about Rita Hayworth, but really I'm not going to talk about her. To be perfectly honest, I've really only looked at pictures of her. I've never put the effort to watch any of the films she was in. I might say more about her if I did.
Instead she is just this pretty lady that I found out
Okay maybe not THAT innocent.
I figured a smattering of images on a blog might be a nice change to my usual large block of text of misspellings an poor grammar. It is working so far, I mean breaking up the text enough. With Halloween coming up, I'm going to have to get my costume together, I'm planning on getting the outfit together for the Velveeta Cheesy Skillets. It is obscure enough for people to ask me who I am, and not guess right away, and silly enough to fit my personality.
The fact that she looks like she is terrified yet strangely aroused is just what I am hoping for. I don't know how well this will go. But who know it might turn out better then I think.
I'm not sure who will end up reading this, but I hope you enjoyed reading it. I always appreciate some kind of feed back. Even thought the most feed back I receive is from my mother. Which all though sweet and loving as she is, doesn't really count. I'll see if I can add more ninjas next time a get the sudden urge to write something. This is just a random rambling of a blog, not informative about society but then again I never have been much part of society, I'm just here to distract you for a little while, so you try not to take life too seriously. I know not as good a some drugs out there, but you can at least be seen with me and not get arrested by the cops... well most of the time.
You like be because I'm a scoundrel.
Ok I think your blog was atrocious. Now am I sweet.
ReplyDeleteYes, because you're still my mother.