Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I could just walk up and start working.

     Distractions come in all shapes, some more pleasing than others.  Nevertheless they are still distracting, no matter how pleasing they are.   I keep telling myself that I should be able to keep up a regular update to my general musings, but it always seems that I don't know what exactly to write about or even weather I've talked about the same thing in a previous update.  Things happen that compel me to write them out and I should always write when I feel the urge.  Stephen King said writing is something you just need to keep doing to get better at it.  I often thought of just trying to write a short story, and limit it to something like 10 pages, that way I have to make my story short and resolve quickly.  I tend to think of these grand ideas for a novel like story and then I start writing and quickly loose track of what I wanted to write about because I end up putting in so much detail over small things that I lose the key focus of the story.  I miss being in school where I would have some one like my creative writing teacher barking at me over finishing my story.  Maybe if I had an editor of publisher to do that I could get my ass in gear and finish something.
      I did a job interview for Trion games on Saturday, it went well from what I thought.  I was looking into a Quality Assurance postion, but they asked me what I would hope to work on if I where to continue down this carrier path.  I told them I love to write and the idea of writing lore and story line for a video game appeals to me.  I was then asked if I actually had any legitimate publications of my writing.  I felt extreamly frustrated that I was not able to say yes.  I have written lots of things that I think would make fun articles for people to read but they are very opinionated I just wish I could get my writing out there.  This is the best way I know for that.  The problem is that no one reads blogs anymore.  If I wanted to get noticed more I would have to start a YouTube channel and talk into the camera.  That bugs me, most of the time I am chatting constantly in my head about things to no one.  It is much easier for me to let it flood out through my fingers and onto the screen than to talk into a camera.  My ideas travel much more smoothly when they go down through my arms than if they travel down to my mouth and diaphragm*.  Maybe it has to do with being the middle child and knowing that if I talk I'm not going to be heard, but if I write it down, than eventually it will be read.   The problem comes when there is so much other crap stuck on the fridge, finger paintings of my younger sister, A+ grade Biology Tests from my older sister, letters of Acquitted chargers from my older brother.  That I have little place to put my stuff.   So I force you people to read it, well not really force I don't even know how many people read these things.   I wish I could have some kind of number.  Rather than just going to a party and having people tell me that they like what I write.   I mean I am shocked just how many people do.  Then I get a little self conscious of what was it I said the last time I wrote something.
     Now on to Han, I know that's why you're really here.  That guy didn't have to apply to take Obi Wan to Alderann, he just said, look 10000 credits and I will take you.  He got the job was like, do pay me in advance because I am that bad ass.  I couldn't walk into a job and say, I will do what you want but I need $10000 in advance.  I'd get laughed at, I  don't have the look down I guess.  I need to buy more white shirts and black vests to wear around.  Not sure I dig the blue pants with yellow stripe  down the legs but I could rock it.  You have to own that look or you just look creepy like when Lando was wearing Han's clothes at the end of Empire.  That was messed up man.  Once Han got the princess back to the rebels he was just interested in the money.  I've always loved that about the dogma behind mercenaries, I'll do whatever you want just as long as I get paid.  I like this idea and I willing to apply it to my employment.  I will do what they ask me to do they just need to make sure I get my money.   If my money is less than what I want or not there on time.  I'm not doing what they ask.  I've yet to be asked anything amoral but... who knows.  And people that pass themselves off as mercenaries but then suddenly have a heart when it comes to people suffering as a result of their actions are just hypocritical.  This is why I never got into Fire Fly.  I am constantly told that I have to watch that series, that it was awesome.  I find it hard to watch a show that shows me how hypocritical they are in the first episode I watched.
    People can try and point out to me that even though Han said he wasn't in it for the revolution or for the princess he was in it to be paid.  He came back to help out Luke because he cared for him.  No he didn't come back because he wanted to be all caring, he came back because he noticed that there was power to be gained from helping out the rebels.  Suddenly he's a general in an army by the end of the film.  Going from paid grunt to well paid general is a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.  You can't tell me that Han didn't do what he felt like after he casually blew Greedo away without even blinking.  After Han got back from being tortured in Cloud City, that look on his face wasn't that of fear or hopelessness, he said "They didn't even ask me any questions?" He was thinking, if they had I would have sold anyone of them out to save my ass.  That is why he looked so shocked.
      I guess employers aren't interested in to hiring someone who's loyalties lie with the person with the biggest paycheck for me.  Speaking of which, if any of my would be employers happen to Google me and find this blog, think of what you could get me to do if you committed to paying me.  No not really...yes really, no just kidding, or am I?

You like me because I'm a scoundrel
    Ian Serna

*Who knew there was a silent "G" in diaphragm? You know how long I spend annoyed with spell check? I'm glad Google was all like "Did you mean diaphragm, you idiot?"

Sunday, August 14, 2011

They wouldn't have said anything.

     I was told today by my sister, that if I was going to be staying here much longer I was going to have to start parking my car in the garage.  The home owners association thinks my car is ugly.  Can you believe that?  My car is ugly.  Yeah she may not look like much but.. I said that already.  I know the is like the second entry I've written involving my car.  If my like were like Han Solo's though you wouldn't notice. Han loved his ship over everything else in his galaxy.  Like when that prince offered him a new ship if he would leave and not pursue Princess Lea as a wife.  He laughed in his face, the only the he loved more than Lea was his ship what is that guy thinking.  I'm not saying that my car is that dear to me, this is about how my life isn't like Han's, but the car is like the only thing I own that I could live in if I suddenly found myself homeless.  At least I have the car.  All the damage to it, I wouldn't be so mad about if any of it was caused by me.  The fenders look like that because of other people.  If I had a good job, like the one I just lost, maybe I would get some body work done on it, and then go from there.  I know I shouldn't really fly off the handle about his, Luke gave Han a ton of shit for how his ship looked when he first saw it.  Han played it off, he didn't get mad about it he just treated Luke like he was just some buzzing fly near his ear.  I am not going to rave on about his, I just thought it would be something else I could throw up here.  I don't know how interesting this blog is but coming up with ways I can use my knowlege of Han Solo's life to compare it to mine is getting tricky and fun, and I don't know how I am going to keep coming up with titles to fit into the tag line.
  "You like me because I'm a scoundrel"
           Ian Serna

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

These things wouldn't bother me

    The more time I spend looking around this town, it just seems like all annoying pretentious things I hated about L.A. condensed into a smaller city.  The constant blabber from people about how they are vegan, or vegetarian.  The way everyone around here is some kind of musician or artist.  People seem to talk about how this is a cultural hub for Texas, it is like one giant culture of people that sit around coffee shops talking about how lame it is to own a gas powered car, then they pull away in a car that get 12 mpg.  Han didn't have to deal wit this shit. Hanging out in wretched hives of scum and villainy, shooting the guys that pissed you off there wouldn't get you arrested it would just get a few glances from the bar.  It might even boost your credibility.  
    I stop and ask myself how many ugly burn orange cars are in this town and the I remember that UT is here.  It is the same reason that all these people here look like they just got out of high school, because some of them did.   And the 30-40 year old ones that still look like that just seem pathetic.  Han had it better, if the people weren't offering money to have him take them places or their stuff places in his rust bucket freighter. He could just hang out and drink Corellian ale and work on his ship.  I mean no one is offering me money to take them places, in my shitty little Civic, she may not like like much but she's got it where it counts.  Close to 40mpg.  I made a liquor store run in less than 2 miles.  She's efficient enough for you old hippie.  I suppose I could work on my car and get the A/C fixed.   I mean if you look at it. I am already at Lando's, TR did sell me the car fair and square, I could be like, "I'm here for repairs", and TR could say, "What have you done to my car?"
   Back to Han having women falling over at this feet.  I should try and avoid getting anywhere near that dating sight I singed up for after rum.  I think I probably pissed off or annoyed 3 ladies last night.  It was at that point I realized how pathetic I must seem.  Unemployed, buzzed on a Tuesday, and trying to find a date over the internet.  Han never had that problem, it was never Tuesday in a galaxy far far away.  

Monday, August 8, 2011

I wouldn't need to do this.

    I signed up for a free dating site.  If I where Han, I'd just flash my smile that's 12 parsecs wide  and the girls panties just melt off.  Who knows, this might be good for me.  I couldn't be any more desperate and lonely than anyone else on that sight right?  I mean at least I am posting honest pictures of myself up.  I find it strange how my personality could hit a 91% compatibility with some one but they are like an 8 on the hotness scale, but I'm like a 5.5, I get half a point for being native american (exotic factor).  Hell I sill sent the hot chick a message.  Or should I say a poorly constructed joke about something she said on her profile.  I did that to all the girls I sent messages too, hopefully some will find me interesting.  If I am really lucky, I could land several of them and play roulette with crazy bitch factor. If I where Han, I'd just pop them off with my blaster under the table though. I can thank my silly English friends who do the Yogpodcast, Simon and Lewis where playing around on the dating site I decided to use, because it is free.  At the moment I am not about to borrow a much of money from a large gangster slug to make ends meet.  Though I have been looking into Han's biz.  Running counterfeit jeans out of a car hole.  I could probably get things really moving come the later months of the year.  You know that big thing in that place near those woods that happens for a while.
   Enough about my rendezvous at docking bay 94. I've been stuck listening to the same System of a Down track for a few hours now because I can't get it out of my head.  So I have to get it out of my brains active memory by burning it into my subconsciousness. I mean I like BYOB but humming it all the time was starting to bother people around me.  See if I were Han I wouldn't have to worry about his.  I bet he could hum all the songs he wanted in that Carbonite shell, lucky prick.  I suppose this is a bit short but, it is getting late and I wake up late as it is, pfft if I was Han I'd  be next to a sexy princess or at least a warm Wookie.  Damn that guys is awesome.
"You like be because I'm a scoundrel"
     Ian Serna

Sunday, August 7, 2011

New and exciting

     So, I've decided that I will start this new blog, because I feel that if I focus on film reviews on one and then just put the random crap in another, I can get a more focused audiences on one or the other, and that way I can do what I want in one and have the other look more consistent.  If that makes sense to anyone I will consider the idea a success and move on.

     So what I plan on doing with this blog is what I wanted to do which was just either write about how awesome my day was, or just make up how awesome it was.   Like today I totally beat the first Diablo in a few hours.  Then I called this girl and she was so impressed with that that she sent me a picture of her collection of quotes from my other blog.  It was impressive and flattering that she would pay so much attention to me.  Not really I'm not impressed with anyone's attention to me because I'm am to cool and I already expect it.  Because if my life where like Han Solo's then I wouldn't be searching for approval I would know I already have it.  If not then you're not worth my time to begin with.  Trust me if you don't read this you're throwing away a fortune here don't be a fool.  Today I discovered that I can boost the graphics power of my computer, all I need is to drive down to planet Houston and get the cable that I can use to bridge two Nvidia cards together, so they can use there GPUs to process my display.  I will go back to being a regular at updating my blog's because why the hell else am I going to do.  Some one said to  me I should network and make my online presence more viable.  The same person that is pushing me to get a job.  I really think it would be very difficult to really do both.  I have to either commit to one or the other.  I'll commit to this one or now.
      Making the trip back to Houston or Staying in Austin is really the coin flip right now.  I know one person that won't mind if I stay, and I know another that would probably hate if I showed back up in Houston.  They know who they are and I am not going to name names... Oh wait Han Solo would, David Andrew and Robin Serna-Switzer.  HA man I love the title of this blog.  I can get away with all kinds of crap because I can always invoke it in the name of a character that didn't give a shit about anyone unless it benefited him.  I will do my best to commit to these blogs.   I know I have fallen off the wagon for my film review blog, I promise tomorrow I will recall the memory of the films I watched a few months ago and do reviews over there on them.  Everyone please make sure to pester me about posting regularly.  I really helps me keep focused.  And knowing that I have people reading what I am writing gives me motivation to keep writing.  I don't even care if it is negative feed back at least I know that some one has taken the time to read what I wrote.  I will end it here for now.  I will update my other blog "Brilliant Oxymoron" tomorrow. Thanks.
   "You like me because I'm a scoundrel."
        Ian Serna